
Experiments with fog and skyboxes (again)
While most of my time today has been spent on (incredibly slowly) learning CSQC and making fairly huge strides in development of the game narrative (more, or indeed less, of that later), I’ve also played around with keeping the London skybox and adding fog. The fog is at really a very low level, which I like, although it does seem to make the level brighter, which I’m cautious about. The two (skybox and fog) added together gives the map a really cool, almost Dear Esther type  look, which I really really do like.
Anyway, have a look at the images below and feel free to give (especially artisitic) feedback (I know there’s holes in the map, so feel free to ignore them!)

earthquake20130824194053-00 earthquake20130824194102-00 earthquake20130824194153-00 earthquake20130824194214-00 earthquake20130824194339-00 earthquake20130824194354-00

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