
The lock up garages and another new map model; obviously the motorbike. I have a range of free use vehicle models, some work well; like this one, others not so well. One particular problem is proportion; a mini, for instance, looks too small even when it’s proportion is correct against the player.


Another major update and a slightly smaller one. The first is the replacement of the 2nd iteration lampposts with the new, and final, 3rd. The second update is different lighting on the pub, instead of ‘faked’ light sources, there are now spotlights on the ‘lower’ roof.


A comparison shot (top old, bottom new) showing  a major update to the map. The road textures had bothered me for a long time; they looked disproportionately large  to both the buildings and models. I therefore spent a long time reducing their size by 50% and then even longer replacing all the old textures in the map. Worth it.


The Gate: this is the feature that has filled the gap in the 2nd warehouse shown in 06_05_2010. It’s a significant part of the mod; it’s the means by which the monsters invaded and then left earth, and the way they can return too.  Description: “as if carved into the building itself, was an alien structure; red and glowing, powerful and malevolent, yet silent and, for now, unpopulated” (http://www.ajaysquakesite.co.uk/earthQUAKE/ch2.htm) Some of it’s other features will be detailed in future posts.