
After a lot of progress over the last 2 weeks, it’s slowed a little over the last few days, primarily because of lack of time, but also due to slightly getting bogged down on particularly tricky bit., which is proving really hard to get right, and all the source images in the world aren’t making it easier.
baoding-478x358 1ronan_point1_ready

Consequently, I’ve thrown out what I’d started and  I’m now on the second attempt to make the semi-demolished south side of the flats. Although every demolished building looks slightly different, depending on what’s damaged it, what it’s constructed with etc., it’s remains really difficult to get looking right, which has surprised me to be honest.

I’ve therefore took the side section of the flats out of the flats’ individual map to give me greater clarity when mapping it

Anyway, once that’s complete I’ll finish the internal doors, maybe add some fire, before signing off the flats for a while with a to do list of:
– furniture
– signs
– gameplay “features” (ssshh)
– lifts (there’s room, but still very unlikely)

The (nearly) finished flats will be placed in the map and I’ll then move on to one of the following:
– canal barges
– finishing the hill/train tunnel in the north-west corner
– address the gaping nothingness of the north-east corner
– replace the “tesco” shop and half the car park with a police station
– completely re-design the houses (efficiency, brushwork, not “looK”) and replace
– replace all the lampposts with the new design
– change the streetlight colour to more “orangey” (yes, really)
– make the 128th “final” decision about light/fog etc (to be changed at a late date)
– improve demolished car prefab
– look at very, very, never to be even thought of as usable, background/”scenery” buildings